employee engagement

Strengthen your reputation

Each of your employees is an ambassador for the organisation. Their involvement is essential: employees who feel involved stay longer, are more productive and deliver higher quality work. akkanto accompanies you in having a more open and purposeful dialogue with them.


Changing a company culture is a long-term project. akkanto draws up the strategy that ensures sustainable change with you. We define the goal of your organisation and make sure that your employees are on board in your story. We do this with:

  • Audits via surveys and interviews
  • Establishing and comparing benchmarks
  • Strategic workshops, defining your messages
  • Follow-up and evaluation of the communication plan

Training and coaching

To bring your organisation’s vision to life in the workplace, you need ambassadors. akkanto supports your people with coaching sessions so that they can excel:

  • Storytelling techniques
  • Presentation skills
  • Writing techniques
  • Individual communication coaching


One announcement about your vision will not get you there. We develop a bespoke plan that will inspire your employees and ensure that the new corporate culture permeates your entire organisation. This is how you achieve sustainable change.

Get noticed.
Be relevant.
Have impact.

Contact us