reputation management

Build your reputation

Building a positive reputation is not a goal in itself, it is about winning support from stakeholders. Reputation affects how people view your products, how talents see your company and whether people will be open to your messages. Essentially, reputation largely determines the value of your organisation.

Measuring reputation

Wondering about the impact of your communication efforts, or how your reputation compares to others? Through an exclusive partnership with Caliber, akkanto offers comprehensive reputation assessments in Belgium, measuring reputation, its drivers and stakeholder support. Caliber, operating in over 35 countries, uses a flexible and scientifically validated model to provide real-time insights. With these insights, our team can help tailor strategies, set goals and ensure your reputation aligns with your long-term vision.


Everything begins here: What is your narrative? What do people currently think about you? And who are the people that you need to speak to? We take care of:

  • Story development and messaging
  • Media analysis and reputation audit,
  • Stakeholder and ecosystem mapping
  • CEO positioning
  • (Social) Media monitoring

Training and coaching

Strengthen your message, strengthen your people. They are the best ambassadors for your organisation, and we are here to support them. We can offer you:

  • Media training
  • Storytelling workshops
  • Presentation skills training


We advise and guide you in converting your strategy into result-oriented actions.

  • (Social) Media relations
  • Awareness and activation campaigns
  • Content creation
  • Stakeholder management

Financial communication

Whether it is a merger or acquisition, an IPO or a roadshow, financial communication requires a specific approach with attention to the complexity of business transactions. We understand the nuances and translate them into good and clear communication.

Get noticed.
Be relevant.
Have impact.

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